It is crucial to make the good impression from the very first day. 从第一天就留下个好印象是十分重要的。
The challenge now is to organize your routine to make your body feel good the whole day. 目前最重要的是安排好你的日常工作,让你一整天都感觉良好。
Dear me! we had such a good piece of fun the other day at Colonel Foster's. 我的老天爷!那天在弗斯脱上校家里,我们那个玩笑真开得大啊!
Nowadays, people usually eat breakfast between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. Breakfast is considered a very important meal, and is essential to having a good start to the day. 英国人每天吃早餐的时间为早上7点到9点之间,早餐应是一天中非常重要的一餐,一日之计在于早餐。
The plan gives you a good overview of how the day will pan out. 计划能让你想清自己的一天会如何展开。
I find that quiet time in the morning is a good way to start the day. 我发现早上给自己一段安静的时间是开始一天的好办法。
Have you heard that it was good to gain the day? 你曾听说过这种说法赚了这天真好?
To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. 首先,它占去了一天中相当多的时间,使你不必拿主意自己该干什么。
I base this list on the two or three most important projects on my mind that day, and I find that if I am able to complete them or at least make good progress during the day, I'll feel better later. 问题的回答就涉及制定一张我想要完成什么的清单。我发现如果我能完成这些或者至少在白天的时候有良好进展,那么到后来就会感觉很好。
Penny Brown found out just how important good karma is the day she almost choked to death. 潘妮?布朗差点噎死的那天,便发觉善业是多么重要。
I had a good talk to him the day before yesterday. 我前天很很说了他一顿。
It's a good beginning of the day. 这是一天中好的开始;
The meal was so good that I returned the next day for lunch. 那顿饭实在太棒了,于是我第二天又去吃了中饭。
We found an Arsenal team who weren't so good on the day and we've punished them. 我们发现这天的阿森纳并不优秀,我们惩罚了他们。
But for me, walking is a good opportunity to process the day and let my mind wander without the oppression of the endless to-do list that awaits me at home. 但对我来说,步行是一种很好的方式来度过一天,它让我有时间走下神,不必为家里无休止的事情感到苦恼。
Sara: You gotta look and feel good for the big day! 莎拉:在那个大日子里,一定要打扮美、况佳!
Lord knows, it's my good deed for the day. 上帝知道,这是我今天做的善事。
There's a good film on the day after tomorrow. 后天有一场好电影。
At the end of the day, a person high in this trait will feel good if the day was very intense and a lot got done. 如果某日非常忙碌且做完了许多事情,高成就导向的人在当日结束时会感觉很棒。
Of how much more value is a man than a sheep! For this reason it is right to do good on the Sabbath day. 人比羊何等贵重呢。所以在安息日作善事是可以的。
The fresh air will do you good after being the house all day. 整天呆在家后外出呼吸下新鲜空气对你有好处。
And if tomorrow's good, then the next day. 如果明天也行,那么后天再接下去。
It's beautiful weather and I've a good mind to take the day off work and go to the coast for a swim. 天气真是太美了,我真想休息一天,去海边游泳。
Some of us have good and bad times of the day. 我们有些人在一天之中会有状态好的时段和状态不好的时段。
Have a good rest of the day. 祝你们接下来一天愉快。
You fellas have a good rest of the day. 你俩今天好好的休息吧。
I've done my good deed for the day! 我为这个日子做了好事!
The suspects all have good alibi for the day of the robbery 所有疑犯都有在抢劫案发当天不在犯罪现场的充足证明
This lettuce taste really good, and the next day she wanted to eat the lettuce actually more than twice the previous day. 这莴苣的味道真是太好了,第二天她想吃的莴苣居然比前一天多了两倍。
Education fair thought Confucius is based on the existence value of equality, human nature is good and the day after tomorrow must study hard admitted on the basis of. 孔子的教育公平思想正是建立在对人存在价值的平等性、人性为善以及人后天必须勤奋学习的肯定的基础上。